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Every Shabbat morning before the Shacharit prayer, Rabbi Moti gives a lecture related to the weekly Torah portion.
There is an online group learning Noahide Laws facilitated by our staff.
Recommended books
Note: It is prohibited to throw away printed sentences from the Torah and the name of the Creator, and they need to be buried in appropriate procedure. Please don't throw away books with holy scriptures in them, but send them to us.
We read Chumash books (Pentateuch with a bit of commentary from the oral tradition) published by Kol Menachem on every Shabbat. It's Hebrew-English bilingual book.
(Sometimes we have the Chumash books in stock to give. Please inquire.)
"Toward a meaningful life" by Rabbi Simon Jacobson ( Associate link)
Good to start learning.
"Jewish Literacy" by Rabbi Joseph Telushkin ( Associate link)
"Living In Divine Space: Kabbalah And Meditation" by Rabbi Yitzchak Ginsburgh ( Associate link)
Book on Kabbalah (Jewish mysticism)
"The Divine Code: The Guide to Observing the Noahide Code, Revealed from Mount Sinai in the Torah of Moses" by Rabbi Moshe Weiner et al. ( Associate link)
Detailed explanation about the 7 laws of Noah (i. e., for non-Jews)
"Go(o)d for You: The Divine Code of Seven Noahide Commandments" by Rabbi Moshe Weiner et al. ( Associate Link) (Publisher download site; Donation recommended)
This is a summary version of "The Divine Code" above. Approximately 40 pages.
"Seven Gates of Righteous Knowledge: A Compendium of Spiritual Knowledge and Faith for the Noahide Movement and All Righteous Gentiles" by Rabbi Moshe Weiner and Michael Schulman ( Associate link)
A guide to the good life of Noahides (i. e., for non-Jews)
[DVD] Young Abraham From the Ancient Stories of the Israelites
The early life of Abraham told in Jewish Oral tradition. The link is to its US Amazon page.
We also have a large collection of Jewish books in Chabad Kyoto and welcome visitors who come to read these.

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