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A new Torah scroll for Chabad Kyoto


A miracle! The need arose for a new Torah scroll for Chabad House in Kyoto. The miracle was not long to arrive... during a Torah lesson, Rabbi Motti received a phone call from a Jew in Singapore Mr. Ofer Nechemyah who had visited Kyoto in the winter. He generously offered to donate a new Torah scroll to Chabad House. Truly a miracle from heaven!

We immediately looked through writing of sofrim, to find a Torah scroll that is near completion.

How did we bring a Torah scroll from Israel to Japan?

We hurry the scribe to proofread and complete the Torah scroll, and to make the cover, even though it was during the holiday season.

Rabbi Motti's father visited the Shluchim Convention (Shluchim: rabbis of Chabad houses) in New York, bringing with him the Torah scroll in a specially prepared bag. The Torah scroll is on its way...


ラビ・モティの父は、特別に用意された袋にトーラーの巻物を入れてニューヨークで開催されたシュルヒーム(ハバッドハウスのラビたち)の集会を訪れました。 トーラーの巻物が向かってきています...

What a wonderful privilege! The last letters of the Torah scroll are written in the home of the Lubavitcher Rebbe at the 770 (the headquarters of Chabad). Shluchim from all over the world participated, each contributing a letter.

なんと素晴らしい特典でしょう!トーラーの巻物の最後の文字は、770(ハバッド派本部) にあるルバヴィッチャー・レッベの家で書かれました。世界中からシュルヒームが参加し、それぞれが一文字ずつ書き込みました。

And right after completion of writing the Torah, great joy and dancing! For some people, this was the Simchat Torah that this year did not take place as usual due to the situation in Israel.

The joy of a mitzvah (commandment), that brings the redemption!



From the 770, the Torah scroll traveled via Korea to Chabad House in Kyoto.

"Rejoice and be joyous, in the Joy of Torah!"

Baruch Hashem (meaning "Blessed is the Name"), we have already read from the new scroll in the minyan (the congregation required to open a Torah scroll) at Chabad House!






30- 3 Okazaki Tennocho, Sakyo Ward, Kyoto, 606-8335, Japan

יחי אדוננו מורנו ורבינו מלך המשיח לעולם ועד

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